My Family

My Family

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oh the memories.....

My husband asked, "Are you writing things down in our boys baby books?" Right then and there I realized it's been too long, again since I posted as I'm attempting to utilize this blog as a memory book for our family.  The answer to my husbands question is, "do we still have a baby book? And if so, where is it?"  :(
It's so easy to get caught up in the day to day tasks and responsibilities to put effort into memory keeping, and even at times for me, photos.  I still love taking photos for friends, family, and clients, but I've really slacked lately on photos of my own children, something I plan to change starting TODAY!

So, a little about the boys these days:

Jack-  We are starting to realize that Jack is truly turning into a little person.  He can reason, speak clearly, do things for himself, and run an iPad better than most adults.  He still loves playing sports, and spends a great deal of time hitting baseballs with Daddy in the backyard (where he usually aims at the house and onto the top porch).  Jack and Daddy also love going to the driving range to hit balls together as well.  He's become a great helper when he wants to be.  Recently, I've been trying to allow him more time in the kitchen to bake and cook with me, he enjoyed doing that with Grandma last time we were in Indiana.  He likes to have tasks and feel needed and involved, and in so many ways he very kind hearted.  He still melts our hearts by saying, "Mom, I love you" or "Dad, I love you", several times a day.  He loves to cuddle with us on the couch, or sneak into our bed at night or early in the morning.  He's even started to play more with Beau, which is a welcome change to this Mama!  One of the struggles we continue to have is with food.  There haven't been many changes in his eating habits in over a year.  He still LOVES chocolate milk and apple juice, and doesn't eat anything that looks flawed, mixed or unusual on his plate, definitely his mother's child.  He has a sweet tooth, and will try to talk his way out of dinner and into snacks later in the evening.  I'm hoping between the ages of 4-5 we can get a better handle on eating and not have such an argument at dinner time.
General stats:
-3 months short of 4 years old
-Nearly 40 pounds
-41 1/2 inches tall

As for our little, Beau, he has been such a fun addition to our family.  He is very different from Jack, but keeps us on our toes and laughing every single day.  He is so incredibly smart (I know, biased parents syndrome, but oh well) and understands pretty much any command I'll give him throughout the day.  He is 16 months old and surprises many with how much he is talking.  He tries to repeat a lot of what we say during the day, but has many words that he uses on a regular basis:
-Jack Jack
-Nana (for his Nana or for a Banana)
-Ganpa (which is both Grandma and Grandpa)
-Appie (apple juice)
-All done
-NumNumNumNum (which means he wants to eat whatever he sees someone else eating)
-Hot dog
-Brown Bear
-Nite Nite
-Dog dog
-Bun bun (for the bunny he likes to sleep with)
-Thank you
-Peas (for please) well as several different animal sounds, and his all time favorite, Choo Choo.  :)

He makes me laugh all the time, for example, he and I were in the car yesterday while Jack was at school and he kept repeating one of the lines from his favorite show, Mickey Mouse.  He said over and over dog, hot dog, hot dog, HOT DAWG!!!  It's much more entertaining to hear, rather than to read, but I had to call my mom to share because I couldn't stop laughing.

Beau likes to do everything his brother does, and I have a feeling there will be some serious sibling competition in the future.  At the same time, Beau is not nearly as interested in sports as Jack was at the same age.  Beau plays more with toys than Jack ever did, and really enjoys sitting down to read a book more than anything else.  He loves to listen to music and dance, and he loves to wrestle and play rough with his brother and Daddy.  He has an unusually high tolerance for pain, which tends to scare me a bit, but I have a feeling that may have to do a little with being the 2nd child, as Jack's been rough with him since birth. :)

All in all, life is so great, we feel truly blessed for these two beautiful children, and they continue to surprise us everyday with how fascinating the world is through their eyes.  I never knew how badly I wanted children until God gave us, Jack, and I never realized it was possible to love another as much, until Beau arrived.

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