My Family

My Family

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Beau 1 Month

Weight? 9 lbs 9 ounces- 50th percentile

Height? 22 1/8 inches- 75th percentile

Head size? 15 inches- 50th percentile

What is Beau doing at 1 month?

Sleeping? He is still waking up several times throughout the night, and makes all sorts of snorting sounds. He is sleeping in the bassinet in our room.

Eating? He is breastfed at this point, and has only had bottles of formula on occasion. He is a hungry boy and wants to east every 2 hours or so.

Activity? He has started smiling, and likes for us to get close to his face so he can see us when we talk to him. He likes to be held all of the time, and doesn't stay content for very long when we put him down. He doesn't enjoy the swing, but does like to lay in the changing table portion of the pack-n-play.

Siblings? Beau doesn't seem to notice Jack much, and doesn't pay much attention to his activity during they day, unless he is trying to sleep, at which point every little noise Jack makes wakes Beau up.
Jack is starting to help me, and likes to find the babies paci's around the house. He also walks up to the baby and acts as though he is going to pick him up when he cries, which scares me to death. Jack is definitely missing all the attention he had before, but has never tried to harm the baby whatsoever, which I'm so very thankful for.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing mama. It sounds like you have two wonderful special boys. They are both just beyond adorable. I just love reading about them. And Mommy and Daddy you are doing great!
    love, auntie lisa
