My Family

My Family

Friday, January 21, 2011

Beau at 2 Months

Height: 24 inches (85th percentile)
Weight: 12 lbs (52nd percentile)
Head size: 16 inches (60th percentile)

What is Beau doing at 2 months?

Sleeping? He is still sleeping in our room in his bassinet, or with me when I let him. We had our best night yet just last night (Jan 20) and he only woke up twice. He only ended up eating once, but was upset because he can't breathe well at night. The doctor has assured us that he doesn't have a breathing problem, but did advise us to prop his bed up when he sleeps to allow for better drainage.

Eating? Beau is now eating about half formula and half breast milk. We've almost completely stopped nursing at the breast, because he was having problems.

Activity? Every morning he wakes up and smiles at me the moment I start talking to him, the smiles make all the hard times throughout the day not seem so hard. He loves to play in his overhead gym, and bats at the hanging toys. He doesn't enjoy tummy time and doesn't lift his head up all that much (lazy) when he's on his tummy. When you hold him up on your shoulder, he's SO STRONG and throws himself back at times (scary).

Siblings? Jack is so sweet with Beau, and very protective. At Gymboree he gets upset if other kids try to touch him, and say's "that's my baby Beau". Throughout the day it's not unusual for Jack to try and pick him up (which he gets in trouble for) or for Jack to say, "it's ok Baby Beau", "stop crying baby Beau", and "he's sooooo cute". He also enjoys tickling Beau on his belly when we are getting him dressed. I can't wait to see how these two get along as they grow up together.

1 comment:

  1. Yay I love reading these updates, I was looking forward to seeing Beau's 2 month stats after seeing the pics on facebook. I am sorry about the breathing issues at night. I am very happy to hear that the doctor promised no issues with that. I can only imagine how hard that may be at night for all of you, and as a mother. I will pray it gets easier from her and he may grow out of it. Beau sounds so sweet and perfect. I think Jack Jack is one amazing big brother, I love the gymboree story. You are so blessed with your boys. Thanks for the updates, looking forward to reading about the boys growing. Miss you all.
